Thursday 26 April 2018

The Sands of Time

We’re generally so busy in the present that we don’t really remember the minor events of the past. But sometimes, an event in the present can trigger a memory of the past, burying you in the nostalgia of how different life used to be. 

I went to this place yesterday evening. 

It was quite deserted because of the showers a few hours ago. The training had probably been canceled due to the rains. Looking at these cricket practice nets at the Malleswaram 18th cross playground, I remembered my summer evenings of 7 years ago.

Rushing from college to ferry my 8-year old son to cricket summer camp. 

Must thank my sister for clicking this with her camera
Waiting with the other mums for the 2 hours, interacting little with them, and mostly drowned in some or the other book.

Craning my neck occasionally to catch sight of my kid’s doings.

Observing how he always tried to position himself at the end of the line of kids to be trained. Wondering if he lacked confidence. Then realizing how he used all the waiting time to observe what the coach was explaining to each kid, and using it all to give his best shot when it was his turn.

No smartphone to take pictures to capture events on the spur of the moment. 😄

My return to this ground yesterday made me realize how much had changed in the intervening period.

The focus of summer vacation has changed from cricket to football.

No more ferrying. The 8-year old is now a 15-year old who travels all over Bangalore city on his own, by public transport.

I've gone to the playground only on this one day to pay the camp joining fee and talk to the coach about future plans.

My teenager (green shirt in the picture) is confidently holding his own and taking the initiative in the midst of players even senior to him.

I now have a smartphone to take pictures when I feel like it.😄

Yesterday, as I waited o
n the sidelines, I wasn't reading any book. Instead, I was thinking all these thoughts, and feeling the urge to blog about them. 

Yesterday, it suddenly struck me from deep within, that time does truly change many things - especially perspectives and behavior. 

Yesterday, I also realized that there was actually no reason for me to worry or fret over how things would turn out. This gave me hope for the future, too. It taught me to trust in the process of life, without hankering for instant answers and solutions.

Mostly, it reminded me to be grateful for the fact that these 7 years have been filled with so many blessings. 
Then......sis took this pic
                                                                                                 Now ..... we used a selfie stick

And I couldn’t help praying that 7 years hence, when this teenager is a 22-year old professional or post graduate, I will have equal, if not more, reasons to feel as content and blessed as I feel today.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Win-Win or Win-Lose?

This is about a young person I know and met again recently. He had been selected for a new job and was keen on joining at the earliest. But there was a hitch. An important event was coming up at his current employer’s worksite. It was around a fortnight away. 

I asked about what was going to be his contribution to the upcoming major event. He said he had a crucial role to play.

He felt uncomfortable about throwing his current employer into a tizzy by quitting now.

But he was equally (if not slightly more) worried about whether the new employer would wait for him, or employ someone else in his place.

He wanted my advice on what to do.

I asked about his current employer’s policy regarding quitting. No question of serving notice because this chap is still under probation – he just needs to inform them 24 hours before he quits.

I asked about when the new employer wanted him to join. Turns out they had left the choice completely in his hands – he could join the next day or by the end of the month. The joining letter would be given only the day he joined.

This chap said he was confused about when to join.

I asked how he felt about putting the current employer into a tight spot. Uncomfortable. But he had to look at his personal interests too, and didn’t want to pass up the new opportunity that meant good for his future career.

If this had been my dilemma, the answer would have been a no-brainer. I’d think it a mortal sin to ditch my current employer at such a crucial time. I’d take my chances on the new employer waiting for me, philosophizing that if it was meant for me, God would make it happen, but I must never do what’s unethical.

But this was not about me. 

It was about a 22 year old in today’s competitive times, with conditions different from mine. Listening to the chap, and comparing his attitude to what is often the trend among young graduates today, I mostly felt grateful that he, at least, felt uncomfortable, and was pondering over the choice.

I suggested he get in touch with his prospective employer and explain the situation, and ask them to wait till this upcoming event was over. That way, he’d also be giving them a glimpse into the kind of employee he would be with their company. Then, after the event, he could call them once again to confirm if the job offer still stood. If it didn’t – accept it, and continue at the same place without breathing a word of it, waiting for the next opportunity. If it did - hurray, give in the 24 hour notice to his current employer, and join the new company.

This, of course, was my analysis of the situation.

I don’t know if the chap is going to do as I suggested or disregard it and do as he pleases.

But I’d like to know what you – the one reading this – think. Was I correct? Was I wrong? Is there a better way out? Do share your thoughts…who knows, perhaps there will be some valuable piece of advice I can pass on to the chap?