Sunday 24 September 2023

The Blemishless Luggage of Bharata

All arrangements were finally in place. Bharata stepped forward to receive the blessings of his parents and Guru Vasistha before embarking on the journey to Kekaya desha, the land of his maternal uncle. Just as he finished paying his obeisance, there was a slight commotion.

Shatrughna stood in front of all the elders, with a bowed head and folded hands.

“Please grant me too your blessings,” he requested softly.

“Why? Where are you off to?” demanded the Guru.

“I’m accompanying Bharata on his journey.”

“But we have not taken you into consideration while finding the auspicious day for travel! Today was a good day as per Bharata’s horoscope. Now, if you are going along, we will have to check the charts to see if today is the right time for you to travel!”

In a soft voice full of conviction, Shatrughna replied.

“With all due respects to the Guru, I would like to ask if the rules demand that a prince check the horoscope of the luggage he carries along on the journey?”

Everyone was confused, but Guru Vasistha nodded his approval and let young Shatrughna proceed with Bharata on the journey.

Such was the humility of Shatrughna that he considered himself as nothing more than a piece of luggage that would accompany Bharata!!

Shatrughna with flowers, ready to serve!

"GacchatA mAtula kulam BharatEna saha anagha:
ShatrughnO nitya ShatrughnO neeta: preeti puraskrita:"

In this shloka, Sage Valmiki says that Shatrughna was “taken” by Bharata to his maternal uncle’s kingdom, and it gives us a glimpse into how completely the younger brother had surrendered to the elder one, that he was no more an entity than a piece of luggage in the entourage traveling with Bharata!

When Bharata brought the padukas of Lord Rama, and installed them at Nandigram, refusing to enter Ayodhya till his brother returned from vanavaasa, it was the devout Shatrughna who managed all the activities of administration and took care of the welfare of the mothers, on behalf of Bharata.

The Srivaishnava acharyas draw our attention to how, if Lakshmana was steeped in “Bhagavad-bhakti” (devotion to Lord Rama), Shatrughna was immersed in “Bhaagavata-bhakti” (devotion to the Lord’s devotee, Bharata).

The name Shatrughna indicates that he was a destroyer of enemies. Sure, Rama and Lakshmana destroyed many rakshasas, but except for one Lavanasura, there is no description of any other enemies killed by Shatrughna. Then why this name for him?

The aachaaryaas explain that this was because he had destroyed those dangerous inner enemies – kaama, krodha, lobha, moha, madha and maatsarya – the six foes of lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and jealousy.

The shloka mentioned above also refers to Shatrughna as “anagha” – the one without a blemish. The aachaaryaas explain that this indicates that he was free from the fault of “Raama-bhakti”!

Isn’t it blasphemous to say so?

No, comes the vociferous reply from the aachaaryaas. Shatrughna’s whole life revolved around service to Bharata – service of the Lord’s devotee. In this scenario, “Bhagavad-bhakti” would be an unnecessary diversion that would interfere in his performance of “Bhaagavata-bhakti”.

The Lord is full of divine qualities. Serving Him and practising devotion to Him is therefore not very difficult. But the devotee of the Lord, who is as human as you and me, being able to serve him is not as easy and therefore, truly a test of our devotion.

Can we try to inculcate the spirit of Shatrughna, work on destroying our inner enemies, and try to be of service to those who are bhaktas of the Lord?

Sunday 17 September 2023

Providing for the Provider

Swami Ramanuja frowned. Something was wrong. Lord Ranganatha did not have His usual radiant look. He looked quite dull, almost ill.

Swami questioned the priest about the prasadam that had been offered to the Lord that day.

“Daddojanam” came the reply, indicating that curd-rice had been the offering.

“And? Anything else?” persisted the great Acharya

“Oh, I forgot! Yes, we also offered Him a few of His favourite Nagapalam fruits!” indicating that the jambhul or Indian blackberry fruit had been fed to the Lord.

Swami Ramanuja was upset.

“No wonder Ranganathar looks ill! The combination of daddojanam and nagapalam must have given Him a cold!”

Immediately the Acharyar sent for the vaidya (physician) and instructed him to prepare a kashayam (herbal decoction) for the Lord!

Only after the kashayam had been offered, and the Lord had regained His usual bright look did Swami Ramanuja leave the temple!

It was time for the Lord’s evening worship. Nadadoor Varadaguru waited inside the garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum) of the Varadaraja temple at Kanchipuram. The priest hurried in with milk to offer to the Lord.

Suddenly, Varadaguru moved forward and snatched the vessel from the priest’s hands. The priest was shocked at this sacrilege, but before he could give words to his ire, a strange sight met his eyes.

Tears were streaming down the face of Varadaguru!

In a trembling voice, Varadaguru questioned the priest, “How can you give such hot milk to the Lord? Will it not burn His tender tongue?”

As Varadaguru proceeded to fan the milk to cool it down, a divine voice called out.


Both the priest and Varadaguru looked up in surprise.

Moved by the vaatsalya (motherly love) of Varadaguru, it was Lord Varadaraja Himself who had lovingly called out like a child to it’s mother!

And ever since that day, the devout Nadadoor Varadaguru came to be known as Nadadoor Ammal.

We pray to the Lord for all kinds of help. We are always seeking this and that from Him.

Have we ever thought of caring for His needs?

That Supreme Lord has left all the comforts of Vaikuntha and descended to this earth to bless us. That One who is the Master of the Universe resides in the place we create for Him – whether in the temple or in our tiny pooja room – ready to accept whatever we offer Him.

What do we feed Him every day? 

Do we feed Him every day?

In the Bhagavad Geeta (3.13), Lord Krishna says,

यज्ञशिष्टाशिन: सन्तो मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषै: |
भुञ्जते ते त्वघं पापा ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात् ||

yajña-śhiṣhṭāśhinaḥ santo muchyante sarva-kilbiṣhaiḥ
bhuñjate te tvaghaṁ pāpā ye pachantyātma-kāraṇāt

The spiritually-minded, who eat food that is first offered in sacrifice, are released from all kinds of sin. Others, who cook food for their own enjoyment, verily eat only sin.

Let us cook with the consciousness that it is for the Lord’s pleasure.

Let us offer what we cook to Him first and then consume it as His prasadam, with gratitude for all He has given us.

When we do this consistently, surely the Lord will bless us with the ability to experience Him as a living presence in our life with the same bhaava as Swami Ramanuja and Nadadoor Ammal.

Sunday 10 September 2023

Keeping vs Breaking His Word

“Arjuna, it’s high time you began to seriously fight Bheeshma! Have you forgotten your vow to destroy the Kaurava side?” thundered Lord Krishna.

“Yes, I’m doing my best, Krishna!” came the meek reply from Arjuna who couldn’t summon the will to harm his great-grandfather.

Arrows flew thick and fast.

So far, Bheeshma’s arrows had been merely grazing the surface; now the grandsire took serious aim, and the missiles began to pound, threatening to cause bodily harm to Arjuna.

Throwing down the reins of the chariot, Krishna jumped down.

Grabbing the wheel of a broken chariot He charged towards Bheeshma, determined to put an end to him.

Seeing this, Bheeshma put down his bow and with a smile, and welcomed Krishna. “What bigger fortune will I have, O Madhava, than to be killed by Your divine hand?”

Watching these events, Arjuna was shaken out of his complacence.

Rushing towards Krishna, he begged, “No, Krishna, don’t do this! Don’t you remember that you have taken a vow that You will NOT pick up weapons in this yuddha? How can You break Your Word thus?!?”

Placated, Krishna returned to His chariot and the war continued.

The Lord is said to be “Satya Vaakyan” – One who is always true to His word.

Why then did He take the decision to forego His word to abstain from fighting in the war?

Because the Lord possesses another quality that He values far more than His word – the quality of “Aashrita Paaratantrya” – One who is dependent on the wishes of the devotee who seeks Him!

In Srimad Bhagavatam (9.4.63), the Lord says

“Ahaṁ bhakta-parādhīno”

“I am completely under the control of My devotees.”

Bheeshma was an ardent devotee of the Lord.

Bheeshma had taken a vow that he would either kill Arjuna or force Krishna to pick up arms in the war.

To keep the word of this great devotee, the Lord was more than willing to give up His word!

Now Arjuna was also dear to Krishna; so, when Bheeshma’s arrows threatened the very life of Arjuna, He didn’t think twice before charging at Bheeshma to protect His devotee Arjuna.

In the Bhagavad Geeta (9.31), the Lord has proclaimed:

कौन्तेय प्रतिजानीहि न मे भक्त: प्रणश्यति ||

kaunteya pratijānīhi na me bhaktaḥ praṇaśhyati

“O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that no devotee of Mine is ever lost.”

Why is the Lord asking Arjuna to declare this? Why doesn’t He declare it Himself?

Because He knows that He may break His own promise, but nothing in the world will drive Him to break the word of His devotee!

What bigger reassurance do we need of the Lord’s unconditional loving acceptance of us? Isn’t this reason enough to motivate us to become His bhaktas?

On today’s divine occasion of Ekadashi, let us pray for the Lord to bless us with such bhakti!

Sunday 3 September 2023

The Loving Churner

It had been decided. The ksheera sagara (ocean of milk) was to be churned by the devas and asuras to obtain amruta (nectar).

Vasuki, the king of serpents coiled around Mandara mountain and the churning began at a rapid pace.

But soon Mandara began sinking into the ocean.

The Lord incarnated as a huge tortoise, Kurma, and slipped below Mandara to provide base support and the churning resumed.

But as the churning intensified, Mandara began to sway unsteadily, threatening to jump off the back of the tortoise.

Lord Vishnu now took a 1000-handed form called Ajitha and held the mountain firmly in place so that the churning could proceed.

Cut to the Lord’s incarnation as Krishna.

A young gopi is arranging her pot filled with curd and setting up the churning rod and rope. As she settles in place, and begins to churn, that notorious maakhan chor (butter thief) rushes in. With a sweet smile, he begs the gopi, “Please, can I help you churn the butter?”

She knows He is there to rob the butter and yet, she has no defense against that charming twinkle in His eyes. Her heart melts. She lets Krishna join in the churning. Singing, swaying, huffing and puffing, and laughing, together, they churn the curd in the pot.

Kulasekhara Azhwar marvels, comparing these two leelas of the Lord in two different avataras.

He took a 1000-armed form as Ajitha and single-handedly churned the ksheera sagara to bring forth amruta. He needed no help from anyone then!

Yet, during Krishnavatara He chose to sit with an ordinary gopi, helping her to churn butter!

What is it that motivated the Lord to do this? 

Wasn’t it the unconditional love of the gopi, who rejoiced in His mere presence, seeking nothing from Him?

The devas sought the Lord to acquire amruta, so that they could gain immortality. The gopis sought the Lord not to gain anything from Him but instead, to offer Him their affection with overwhelming devotion.

The Lord provided the amruta for the devas, but whose actions do you think pleased Him the most?

Can we learn to cultivate the innocent bhakti of the Vrajavaasis?

In the Bhagavad Geeta (4.9), Krishna says:

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत: |
त्यक्त्वा देहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोऽर्जुन ||

janma karma cha me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ
tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna

Those who understand the divine nature of My birth and activities, O Arjuna, upon leaving the body, do not have to take birth again, but come to My eternal abode.

As we prepare for Krishna Janmashthami that’s coming up on September 6, 2023 let us contemplate on this and other leelas of the Lord and drown ourselves in the experience of His divine glory!