The first time I wrote something, someone in the world trusted me enough to let it see the light. What better way to encourage new writers than to provide them with a platform to make themselves heard. So, here I am, introducing someone who has something to say in a unique voice, and hoping it will make a difference. Always, I look forward to your comments as a means to take the conversation ahead; this time, what you say will also guide talent and therefore, I request you even more earnestly to provide your valuable feedback. Read on......
I have a confession to make – I have not read Kafka, Freud or
anyone else like them, quoting liberally from whom would qualify me to be an
intellectual. I see myself more as a castaway from mainstream thought trying to
stay afloat in its deep waters. I did try reading these gentlemen more than
once, and found them, honestly to be “over the top” for spiritual pariahs like
me - since they were premium products for a niche audience, to use a marketing
My journey has been about trying to find a method to the
madness that life is, and after deep deliberation, I have concluded that there
is only one rule to this madness – that there is no rule.
Hence, when strange events began happening to me this summer
of 2015, I had to seek refuge in that manna from Mount View California – Google!
It was only when I googled some
perspective into my experience that I realized that I was not alone in this
My notions of travelling to mind spaces where “no one hath
gone before” – like Captain James T Kirk of the Star Trek saga – were shattered
in minutes, because I realized (googlised?) that indeed, these mind spaces had
been conquered before by myriads of adventurers like me – men, women and their
magnificent memories- time and time again in history.
Is that the idiosyncrasy of life – are we all travelers on
our personal voyages, each doing our own thing, going about our lives, in a
crowded journey, jostling for spaces? We meet people, make families and
associations our own, feel attached, but at the end of the day – we are on our
own trips in life, I mine, You Yours and never the twain shall meet!

We go about our lives in a routine manner and then somebody
walks in – and we feel so helplessly, irrationally, and ruthlessly attracted.
Romantic? Probably yes, but not always true. But at the same time we know it
runs much deeper. It invariably kicks off with a euphoric feeling that
irresistibly goads you to connect with that person as if there was something
intertwining their existence with yours.
Soon after, the pain starts - at a very deep, mysterious
level, tearing open your innards every night, only to reassemble them in the
morning, leaving you clueless about the purpose of it all!
Mostly one, sometimes two, on few occasions more – but they
appear one after the other like episodes in your life’s soap opera, over the
years. Who are these people? Are they messengers of a higher being, sent to you
for discovering some great gyaan, to give your life a higher purpose? Or are
they here to teach you an important lesson when you need it most? May be they
mean to make you feel protected during turbulent times? Or is their presence in
your life – what’s the word – mere serendipity, or what’s the other word - God’s

This alternative entry and exodus of entities, I believe, is
the essence of living – embedded in these seemingly unending sequences of
enchanting, memorable, inexplicable events and experiences, which we believe we
control, but know deep within we cannot. Trust in life, therefore, is the only
option, as we go through the ecstasy and agony, hoping against hope that the
reason for these experiences will become clear in due time.
Remember our times as kids – we would turn our faces to the
sky, imagine a fast moving object moving towards the earth, close our eyes
doing a countdown, hoping that as we reached One, there would be a great
explosion, such as that caused by a celestial object hitting the earth. The
Skylab crash of 1979 is a memory that is etched forever, because it was the
first time I experienced fear as a child – people said it could possibly fall
“anywhere”. When nothing happened, I was relieved and at the same time, a
little disappointed.
So kids we are, throughout life, trying to figure out the unexplained
mysteries that confound us, closing our eyes each time and counting backward
from ten – going through relief, disappointment, joy, exasperation –wishing
that we would never reach One and time would never come to an end.
I am no different. Life is Here and Now.
And in this Now, as I try and make sense of these random
thoughts to compose my first blog post, I
cannot but help feel a deep gratitude for all these special people who have
walked in and out of my life giving me this feeling of utterly obfuscating
bliss. Some still walk beside me and I know there are others who lie in wait, yet
to come. Thanks to them, I have woken up with a smile on my face, like the
self-help books said I should.
With their company and without, I have grown. I am I partly
because of them and they are they, partly because of me.
We meet, we part – this is the only element of certainty in these
relationships – but not before having forged connects at a deeply spiritual
level that we cannot even begin to fathom. When they do part, all we need to do
is to pick up the threads from the casket of memories and relive the entire
experience in a flashback of sorts. Or simpler still, close our eyes and count
backwards from ten to one, think of them, and they all come back with their
presence inundating our conscious like a tsunami of reminiscences.
Life goes on – we continue to lead our lives as we were always
tutored – with our dear ones, relatives, friends, sons and daughters, sisters
and brothers, parents et al. But the very existence of these persons somewhere
in the spatial and temporal corridors of our subconscious, stalks us – if only
to make us realize what our lives are worth. Their underlying presence even in the
most inane of our activities, their ability to walk all over our lives in
limited time and lend it a hitherto unknown dimension - perhaps, this is what makes
us a victim of the most lovable stalking experience ever in the history of this
If this is stalking – I’d ask to be stalked again and
again…and again.
Thank you for this superb article...this really mean lot to me as I cud connect many things. ..thanks again
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts. I'm glad to know you could connect to the article and hope I can put up more such writing that you can relate to.
DeleteLovely thoughts. Hitherto i was teaching traditional stalking upto cyber stalking which is are crimes. Now i will add spiritual stalking to give positive touch to heal victims of such crime. From the young age we are told about that Guy who is always with us and we are only instruments in His hands.Thank u for exchanging the true thoughts of everyone.
ReplyDeleteSpiritual stalking....that's a nice sounding term, Ram anna. As to whether this stalking is by human souls or that Guy...well, only the author of this piece can answer that question...But you've surely given a new dimension by bringing in this aspect.
DeleteI always feel that He is with me. And that has made me fearless. I am never alone. When he is there to take care, let us simply enjoy the journey. Charioteer is there to steer through the jaunt.
DeleteYou've spoken for me, too...thank you.
DeleteInteresting article actually.. its a phase that everyone goes through.. desperately wanting something to happen.. but eventually we come to realize that each moment is a miracle in itself.. only that we're not looking.. we need to realize them, accept them and be grateful they happened.. I did think this article was written by a cancer survivor.. but I guess realizing things don't happen "to" us but "for" us is just as valuable..
ReplyDeleteThings don't happen "to" us but "for" us...quite a profound observation to make ..thank you for pointing that out..
DeleteBeautiful thoughts and beautiful expressions...I have had these experiences too but am not so gifted as to put it into words. Thanks to the writer for saying this so nicely.
ReplyDeleteI second your comment...indeed, it does make for wonderful reading.
DeleteWell written as far as self expression is concerned. .. it is clear the author is a person with a very sensitive mind n a deep yearning /quest for truth. In Hinduism in jnaanayoga there is a stage called as vicharanaa or gataa-yataa. ...a person in this stage tries to get answers to questions like what is the meaning of life, who am I, what is connection between beings etc by means of his intellect. . In this stage he is in search of a Guru. . When the seeking becomes more intense he gets the next guidance....
ReplyDeleteFelt nice reading the article. . However it is a bit too open ended.. meaning there is no conclusion; this would also be Ok. .. it could have had something like a further direction from here or some such thing. .
Thank you Vatsala for your multiple-level feedback :-) If indeed this holds true for the author, let us together wish him well for the further direction.