Sunday 18 November 2018

NaBloPoMo 2018: Day 18: The girl who wouldn't talk

Once upon a time, there lived a family in a small village. The father had to go to work at a far-off place for a while. Not wanting to disrupt the kids’ school routines, he decided to take a small room at that place, and stay there, and return home to be with the family once a month or so, as the job permitted.

The youngest kid of that family was around 2 years old, and because the father was not continually present, found him an unfamiliar person. On the occasions when he came home, this kid would run and hide under the dining table. Laughing at this behaviour that resembled a kid brought up away from civilization, the family had a nickname for her – they called her “Kaad-Paapa” which meant “Forest-Child.”

As that kid grew older, she continued to be shy, and an introvert, not engaging much in conversation with the world around her. The parents never made a big issue of it, they didn’t chide her for being the way she was, or try to compare her with other kids who were more outgoing. In other words, they let her be.

Today, that “Kaad-Paapa” is a lecturer, a speaker, and a writer. She can strike up conversations with unknown persons, and strangers often open up to her on the very first meeting, asking for advice.

Occasionally, when I find someone worrying about their kid who is shy, I give them this example of my own journey. Just to show them that positive changes can happen to everyone. All that the shy kids need is the support, understanding, and security that loving parents and siblings can give, along with opportunities to grow independent.

Today was a busy day, and yet, there were at least 3 different themes I made a note to write a blog on. But the busy-ness of the day pushed this blog-writing to the very last minute, and there wasn’t time to devote to any of those 3 themes.

As I browsed through the pictures from today’s bhajan program at my parents’ house where all 6 of their daughters attended with their families, this blog post kind of wrote itself.


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