Tuesday, 1 November 2016

NaBloPoMo Day 1: What's Life Without a Little Challenge?

“Thinking of doing a NaBloPoMo in November. Anybody game?”

Read this post by a friend on Facebook.

Conditioned by Twitter, noticed only the first and last syllables, attention hooked.

Turned to Google Guru, found out it was something entirely different, but just as inspiring :-)

NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month

Loved the idea of doing one post everyday for the month of November, with other bloggers for company – so much to read, so much to write, so much to learn.

Invited myself to join the group.

Announced it to readers, friends and family, and asked what they’d like to read from me.

Got happily buried under the avalanche of topics that I realize can last me an entire year.

Some want me to write about topics that are dear to their heart. Others want me to write about abstract stuff like love and emotion. Someone wants me to get in touch with the lighter, non-teacher side of myself through the writing; another makes me feel nothing less than my autobiography will do :-)

Reading the suggestions, I realized, yet again, how different we all are in our motivation for something. Yet again, I felt grateful for being blessed with this realization.

All these years, I’ve found that words give me company. Now, slowly, I’m beginning to realize that my words do the same for some others. That’s such a humbling realization that I find myself at a loss for words to continue this post. Perhaps, just for a little while, I’ll let silence do the talking.

Looking forward to saying much more in the days to come.

Psst…Don’t be fooled by this succinct bullet-list style post. This writer is also a lecturer.

NaBloPoMo November 2016


  1. Very nice Anu. Simple blog...I like it!!

  2. Keep writing Anusuya...let it continue...

  3. I decided to join in at the very last minute.
    Happy to connect with you all through the month and let's rock the NaBloPoMo.


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