Monday 21 November 2016

NaBloPoMo Day 21: Musings on a Sunset

There's something very tranquil about watching a sunset. 

More so when it is out of a train window as you pass through places untouched by human habitation. With no chores weighing on your mind. Being aware of the multiple hues of the sky as the sun sinks below the horizon. Soaking in just the quiet peace of that moment.  Feeling one with the Universe. 

As you endeavor to capture the beauty of that scene through a camera, you feel thankful for technology that lets you store beauty for posterity.

Now, if only there was a tool to capture and store your state of mind as you looked upon the scene............
NaBloPoMo November 2016


  1. True. There is something so mesmerizing about the sunsets. The beauty of sunsets amazes me making me eager and joyous every time I get to see one!

  2. the scenes that we get to see through a train window.. sigh!.. so beautiful...


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