Thursday 17 November 2016

NaBloPoMo Day 17: Doing Less

Just a few days ago, I chanced on this quote on the AdviceToWriters Twitter handle

Before you check #Twitter and #Facebook and do other similar tasks that get in the way of writing, write first.


I remember thinking that this may be true for other people, but it won’t affect me.

Today, I realized I was being overconfident.

Today was a holiday for Kanakadasa Jayanthi – the birth anniversary of the saint-poet Kanankadasa. Despite having the entire day to myself, I couldn’t manage to write a decent post to continue those memories of Goa. Besides the usual housework and cooking, I spent some time reading, took a short nap, the usual walk, spent some time on social media, and before I knew it – the day is gone.

Often, I’ve noticed that when I have less time and much work to be done, I manage to get more done than when I have more time. Maybe for someone who’s compulsive about having to fill every moment with something “worthwhile,” learning to relax is what the universe has in store.

Today, I didn’t “do” anything much, but at the end of the day, it does seem like a day well-spent.
NaBloPoMo November 2016


  1. Social media can eat up your time and make you realise it only after much time has been spent AFTER all the eating up happened :P

  2. You are on blogging spree and need a break. And continue your Goa memories with a fresh mind. Now asked my children to read your blogs to get some understanding of our Goa life then.

    Hope you still have some time for offline reading.


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